Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Im signed up

On Sunday 11/22/2009 before the sun rose I went down to Tempe Town Lake to watch the future Ironman get ready for there long Journey. Again the sight took my breath, There were over 1 Thousand first timer and a total of 2400 hundred men and women going for there Dream. At the first event, the swim, I watch one swimmer start out OK and then he flip onto his back, My heart sunk, he stayed that way for a while and then begun to swim again I yell go(as though he would hear me). A bit later this young man can past me by the transition station and asked where could he turn in his chip, he was still wet from the water, he stated I DNF and once again my heart sunk and my eye began to tear thinking of his journey... Then the most wonderful thing, that I have seen, a double paraplegic came running by, into the tent he went to get ready for the bike, This boosted my confidence again, I told myself if he can do this so can I. This young mans name was Rudy and he finished the Ironman in 16:06.. now that's impressive.
I don't know how many people that I caught that night, some were crying with joy, some were glade to see the finish line, and stumbled as they tried to slow there legs, some did push ups on the finish line. I watched one man cramping so bad, he had to duck walk, another young man crossed the line and then his legs locked up, when asked, was he OK, he stated I don't know and his entire body went limp, we carried him to the med. tent all he could say was ouch...

Lydia's son and Husband came in and I had the honor to catch both of them and to pass them off into Lydia's arms, her sons legs went limp as soon as she hug him. John saw her and walked slowly over to her.
Lynne M. would come over every now and then and ask are you still signing up, I would reply YES, then I would return the question a few catches later and she would have the same reply YES, then we would just every now and then look at each other and nod.

I caught some of my closet friends that night and it was great. To watch Jennifer y. on the run, to be able to talk to her as she started to dough herself, I began to cry with her, especially when she asked will i make midnight, I told you can do this and I will see you before midnight. Jennifer came in in 16:55.. All I could do was hug her and yell you did it, Ken her boyfriend also came in about a min. in front of her. This was a great sight.
I saw my friend Tim W. as he entered the transition at the beginning of the day, I saw him come in from his bike and leave on his run, And once again I sat there with his wife Sue waiting for him to come back around.. I wasn't able to stay, nor did I catch him, but I was able to celebrate for a few min. with a huge hug and then to walk him to his wife as she waited to hug his at the exit gate.

After watching this entire day unfold, I went home at 1am tired and filled with excitement, I was in line at Tempe Town Lake at 6:15 am the next morning and sign up.
Am I scared... Yes ... Why - Because I will be walking a road that has been travel so many time before. It is filled with agony, defeat, and the pot wholes of the unknown.
Am I ready for this journey...Yes ... Why - Because this road is also filled with Joy, laughter, great friends, and my future of the unknown "A Dream"

Thanks you Ladies for sponsoring Me.