Thursday, December 31, 2009

It in the Company

Last Tuesday night I ran my first 10k without stopping with the help of Courtney a fellow runner. She stayed back to run with me and to keep me motivated along the run. I felt good when I finished,It amazing how running with someone makes the miles disapear. Yes its in the company!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


This Christmas I had a chance to complete a bikeride that I have started several time, but have run out of time. The bike ride on this day was to ride down to Bartlett Lake. I have started this ride and turned around because the fist few miles were fast and down hill, which means that I would have to ride back up.. This time I made up my mind to complete the ride. It was a very hard ride and when I reached the Lake it was a great feeling until I turned arounn and saw the up hill to start with 4 miles. Oh My... I achieved this goal, I made it back to the truck and was very proud of myself. Acheivements...To set a goal and then to see it through. That is what this year is about for me. The total ride was 28 miles and it took 2.5 hours.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Slow and steady

This morning was a 42 mile bike ride with the Ladies. I choose the rout knowing that it would be challenging for the Ladies and for myself. We rode from Thompson Peak and Bell out to the Bartlet Lake turnoff, and returned by the way of scottsdale rd. we ascended 1788 feet and decended 1792 ft. The weather held out for the entire ride. I usually struggle with this ride because of the climbing so my goal was to keep a cadance of 65 at the hardest part of the climb and then a cadance of 70 for the rest of the climb. I felt the burn in my legs but I was able to keep moving. Riding with the Ladies made this workout doable for me, If I was by myself my focus would of been to get it done and call it a day. But by having that last rider to ride with made this ride and goal doable.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Swimming at 5:45 am

This morning was so cold I wanted to crawl back into bed but I continued on my way to the pool. When I got there all you could see was the steam coming off the water and arms. I ventured on and joined the arms among the steam. The coach on deck said start with a 800, I said O..K, Im use to warming up with a 3 or 400. but thats cool. I found that the 800 wasnt bad. but there was more. a total of 950 yds more. . an hour later we pulled the tarps and called it a day. getting out of the water reminded me why I wanted to stay in bed, But the Sunrise gave me a great reason to be up. It was beautiful.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

First week of Training

This week was pretty good. I managed to swim 3200 yds, run 7.7 miles and bike a total of 48 miles. I got my new bike frame in on Thursday night and Saturday was my first ride on the bike. It is a much lighter ride and took a bit to get use to it. So Im back on the road again and ready for another week.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Im signed up

On Sunday 11/22/2009 before the sun rose I went down to Tempe Town Lake to watch the future Ironman get ready for there long Journey. Again the sight took my breath, There were over 1 Thousand first timer and a total of 2400 hundred men and women going for there Dream. At the first event, the swim, I watch one swimmer start out OK and then he flip onto his back, My heart sunk, he stayed that way for a while and then begun to swim again I yell go(as though he would hear me). A bit later this young man can past me by the transition station and asked where could he turn in his chip, he was still wet from the water, he stated I DNF and once again my heart sunk and my eye began to tear thinking of his journey... Then the most wonderful thing, that I have seen, a double paraplegic came running by, into the tent he went to get ready for the bike, This boosted my confidence again, I told myself if he can do this so can I. This young mans name was Rudy and he finished the Ironman in 16:06.. now that's impressive.
I don't know how many people that I caught that night, some were crying with joy, some were glade to see the finish line, and stumbled as they tried to slow there legs, some did push ups on the finish line. I watched one man cramping so bad, he had to duck walk, another young man crossed the line and then his legs locked up, when asked, was he OK, he stated I don't know and his entire body went limp, we carried him to the med. tent all he could say was ouch...

Lydia's son and Husband came in and I had the honor to catch both of them and to pass them off into Lydia's arms, her sons legs went limp as soon as she hug him. John saw her and walked slowly over to her.
Lynne M. would come over every now and then and ask are you still signing up, I would reply YES, then I would return the question a few catches later and she would have the same reply YES, then we would just every now and then look at each other and nod.

I caught some of my closet friends that night and it was great. To watch Jennifer y. on the run, to be able to talk to her as she started to dough herself, I began to cry with her, especially when she asked will i make midnight, I told you can do this and I will see you before midnight. Jennifer came in in 16:55.. All I could do was hug her and yell you did it, Ken her boyfriend also came in about a min. in front of her. This was a great sight.
I saw my friend Tim W. as he entered the transition at the beginning of the day, I saw him come in from his bike and leave on his run, And once again I sat there with his wife Sue waiting for him to come back around.. I wasn't able to stay, nor did I catch him, but I was able to celebrate for a few min. with a huge hug and then to walk him to his wife as she waited to hug his at the exit gate.

After watching this entire day unfold, I went home at 1am tired and filled with excitement, I was in line at Tempe Town Lake at 6:15 am the next morning and sign up.
Am I scared... Yes ... Why - Because I will be walking a road that has been travel so many time before. It is filled with agony, defeat, and the pot wholes of the unknown.
Am I ready for this journey...Yes ... Why - Because this road is also filled with Joy, laughter, great friends, and my future of the unknown "A Dream"

Thanks you Ladies for sponsoring Me.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Im really going to do this...... 3 years ago I watch a dear friend Tim W. do the Ironman. His wife and I watched him enter the water for the 2.4 mile swim and watched him take off on the 112 mile bike ride. While waiting we had a beer/rootbeer every hour of the bike per Tims request. Then we saw him start the 26.2 mile run. We sat, I dont know how long but we waited.... Tim impressed me and started my move towards Ironman. On each pass he would take the time to say thank you to his wife and to let her know how much he loved her.... she explained to me all the things that a wife/partner goes through while one trains for this journey to Ironman. Boy what a sacrafice. When Tim crossed the finish line and stood there like a little boy not knowing, what to do next..... "I had to know this feeling". The next two years I volunteered as a finish line catcher, which touched me deeper than I could ever know. To watch these, everyday men and women cross the finish line and collasp, to stop before the finish line and bow to the four winds, To watch that last runner turn the corner right at the stroke of midnight, and hit the ground because, he was so close, and then to hear the speaker say get up!... come on! everyone lets cheer him in....., because he IS a Ironman tonight. These moments will be stuck in my mind and my heart forever.
So when you ask what drives LaVerne to Ironman, all I can say, I want to know That feeling. That feeling that there isnt words to describe.... The feeling of seeing your new born baby for the first time. The feeling Of honor that I get every saturday, at the start of the Ladies ride, and the feeling of gratitude to you all for sponsoring and supporting me on this Jounery.